Saturday, April 17, 2010

It proved to be helpful. YES!!

So, my WISE project has officially proved to be helpful to my well being. I stepped on a hammer the other day and I bruised the muscle on the bottom of my foot, either my flexor digitorum or my flexor hallucis, I'm not sure which. The flexor digitorum is the muscle that runs down the back of the tibia, under the foot and flexes the foot for the final push off while you are walking. The flexor hallucis flexes the big toe.

How has it proved helpful you might ask? Well, I am able to tape my foot so that it is stable when I walk. Naturally, it still hurts, but I am able to take care of it and not put as much pressure on it while I walk or dance. This is a VERY good thing. I have a dance competition in about three weeks, in which I NEED to perform, so having the pressure off of the foot has been a major bonus, and I can do it myself which is even better! yay!!


Armin Heurich said...

Wow! Direct, practical application of your WISE project! That is really terrific. Best wishes on a speedy recovery, Taylor.

Armin Heurich said...

Hi Taylor,

What's the good word on your project, the journal and our mentor meetings? It's been quite a long time, eh?