Monday, February 22, 2010


During the two weeks since I've been exited, I've read all of my periodicals that I put in my bibliography. I see this as my success. The periodicals weren't as beneficial to me as I thought they'd be. A lot of them were more about people's experiences in their sports and how they were injured and not so much about how they got better.

I got sick over these two weeks, so there wasn't a whole lot more that I could have done. There was a whole lot more that I had been planning to do. For instance, I had thought that I was going to meet with Kim, but I wasn't feeling well, so I left after 6th period most days. My first meeting with Kim is today after school.

I am going to have my first mentor meeting with Mr. Heurich tomorrow 7th period. I am going to set up my blog and from there I'll be adding most of the information I get to that. Megan Mormile has Mr. H as a mentor and she has a blog as well. Every few days, he will go on her blog an dread her entries and comment on them. In this way, it is like they are meeting more often than just once a week.

I regret that I haven't done more on my project yet, but I am going to really be starting today. I hope to find more helpful periodicals than what I've found thus far. For my goals, they are quite simple, get something done. getting my blog up and running is going to help get me motivated. I think it will be a good thing for me to have a blog. I hope you have fun reading it!

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